July 20, 2011

Lines are built and rails will carry you past those who would surely bury you

Penguin Prison, "Golden Train"

I went a little nuts this morning trying to look for this song I heard on the radio on my way to work. I couldn't help but notice of the fact that this song sounded like Sam Sparro and BabyDaddy had a... well... a baby, but don't you hate it when you catch the tail-end of the song and there's not much lyrics to take leverage on? Yep. Nevertheless, this is one of the very rare occasions when I'm kinda glad that my god-forsaken CD player doesn't work. Hurrah!  It took me a while and just a teeny tiny shave off of my better judgement, but after some persistence -- Eureka! I found it.

Now dance with me why don'tcha. :D

Now dance with me, why dontcha?

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