So far I haven't run out of things to do, and I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon. As a matter of fact, I'm assuming that this is as light of a load as it comes. And so far, I love what I do -- watching screeners of TV shows from all around the world, evaluating them, and putting my recommendations on the table. With all this content, needless to say, I'm getting an education in world cultures without even leaving my desk -- the desk that will pay for the traveling that all this culture education will supplement.
The goal is to hit Europe next year. Numero uno is to be deemed worthy to go on a buying trip with the bosses to Cannes in April and then stay behind maybe a week or two. Dos is to hit it on my own in August with my amigas. Cue belt-tightening sound effects.
The one tiny downside is that I feel like my social life is very slowly but equally surely slipping away. My friends are all either moving away or getting chained somewhere. Now I can't even chat with them online anymore as my lifelines to the outside world (and pretty much everything else) have been blocked at work. And coming from a small team of very busy people, there aren't too many people to talk to here besides the be-subtitled Koreans and the Latin Americans.
You feel me? I know my boy Al Green does.
Al Green, "I'm So Tired of Being Alone"
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